Creativity involves our passions, our senses, our organs, our environments and our cultural and individual psyches. I will show you how and why
by showing you how to EEEM.
When you work with me, you’ll find your inner creative – your inner innovator. Doing so means much more than mind mapping, brain storming and learning to paint, draw, dance or sing.
My approach can help you, no matter your background or experience. You may be:
an artist wanting to stretch further or work in business and be looking to expand your horizons
a professional or specialist feeling stuck in analytical thinking patterns
looking for a career change
searching for creative insight – a unique angle to help you stand out from the crowd
seeking creative ‘balance’ in the same way that we need to exercise our bodies for health - we need creativity
a team wanting to diversify your tools and skills
hunting for creative company and collaboration.
EEEM© is an Embodied, Ethnographic Exploration of Matter.
It’s a system that works with your macro and micro worlds and your intrinsic and extrinsic patterns of connection. EEEMing© magnifies awareness, inspires curiosity, generates new associations and develops adaptive skills in working with complexity.
Embodiment involves sensory awareness – it’s a culmination of our senses that comes from our interior organs as they interact with our exterior environment. Recent research in cognitive psychology is revealing how influential our bodies are in shaping our brains.
Ethnography is an action and real life oriented research method that nurtures open minded curiosity and detailed observation. Anthropologists and sociologists have laid the way for this approach.
Exploration embraces our willingness to be inquisitive, adventurous and the spirit of traveller where ever you are, in whatever you do. Science, business, entrepreneurs and technological innovators are explorers at heart.
Matter – because everything we do involves materials and the more we pay attention to the materials we use and how they behave, the more we understand how creativity is a living process that we are part of. Here the physicist, chemist, ecologist and artist meet in their appreciations.
While this is a philosophy, it has real, everyday applications. This approach is based a rich history of understanding and draws on a range of habits and exercises in attention that help tune your creative intelligence and help you to anchor and retain your own creativity.
After working with these processes you will understand how habits of attention, patience, persistence, experimentation, observation, intense activity and down time are all critical to enriching and integrating your creative ability. In working with me, I will give you stories, science, exercises, habits and set you on missions that will help you to listen and identify new possibilities.
*Photographic artworks by Barbara Doran